Friday, March 6, 2020

Best Study Snacks to Get Delivered

Best Study Snacks to Get Delivered via Pixabay While it is okay to grab a bag of chips every now and then, it is not always the best idea. Eating unhealthily will catch up with you faster than you think and could be the difference between making good grades and graduating on time. If you feel sluggish during the day and just want a snack to keep you energized or even awake during classes, take a little time to consider the other choices around you. Many snacks are available to you through your college’s cafeteria or meal programs, and of course, through your local grocery store and Caffeine fueling, late-night pizza runs or snacking, and orders for take-out are typically the orders of the day for college students. But, here are some healthy foods and snacks that you can afford to stock up on on a college shoestring budget for the next time you’re pressed for time and need to eat something fast: Vegetables Yes, vegetables can be a snack and a very good one. Cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, and a host of other veggies can be a great way to ensure you get a consistent dose of energizing nutrients that go both to your stomach and to your brain. Crunchy vegetables can also be dipped in hummus, stuffed into pita bread, served with meat, or eaten by themselves. Hummus Speaking of vegetables, many people like to eat hummus. [Personally, I do not eat hummus as I can't take the taste or the smell]. But if you are a hummus eater, it is a nice way to get some good protein. You can make your own for a rather reasonable price or you can buy a ready-made container for also a very reasonable price, less than $5 in most cases. Pretzels / Crackers These are my personal favorites. Consider the ones with whole wheat in them over the ones made with white flour and other stuff. Whole wheat is healthier for you as it is much higher in vitamin B6, vitamin E, fiber, and magnesium, among other things. Even with this, you can use hummus or peanut butter if you so desire. Dark Chocolate Another one of my personal favorites. Since dark chocolate can be addictive, be sure to apply the “all things in moderation” rule with this one. Dark chocolate offers stimulation for the brain and the heart. It is also filled with antioxidants and a good number of vitamins and minerals including iron, potassium, and magnesium which is used to prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Fruits You can always get individual fruits like apples which are filled with fiber and potassium and oranges that are dripping with vitamin C. Blueberries are another fruit that you can eat individually and it helps to prevent loss of memory and increase learning capacity. However, if you want a wide range of vitamins and minerals injected into your system that also tastes somewhat sweet, try a fruit salad. You can buy these ready-made, of course, or you can buy the individual fruits that you like, cut them up, put them in individual containers, and freeze them until you’re ready to use. via Pixabay Nuts Peanuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts. There is basically a nut for every single person. Nuts can give you a quick jolt of energy and can be an excellent source of protein and fiber. Another bonus point for nuts is that they can actually be filling, keeping you feeling full for a longer period of time and not over-eating. Greek Yogurt In all honesty, while I have tried Greek yogurt before, I can’t stomach the taste and definitely not the smell. However, it offers double the amount of protein than regular yogurt and helps your body to produce energy. Additionally, yogurt produces probiotics (which is basically helpful bacteria that is necessary for your digestive system) and calcium. Trail Mix No. I am not talking about the kind mixed with a little bit of nuts, raisins, cranberries, and dried pineapple and a whole lot of chocolate bites, MMs, and salty pretzels. While this can be tempting and fog your brain as to how many nutrients you’re actually getting, the healthiest option is to go for the ones that contain dried fruits and nuts. Additionally, trail mix can be addictive, so portion control is a must. You can find any of these snacks at your local grocery store. But you can also order them in bulk from Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, Boxed, Uber Eats, and GrubHub. Happy snacking!

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